2019 Infrastructure Pipeline Report released
21 August 2019
Building Queensland has released the 2019 Infrastructure Pipeline Report, detailing 18 priority proposals under development by the Queensland Government. Over 70 per cent of proposals previously listed in the report have progressed to further stages of development, with six securing funding for delivery. The funded projects include Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 3A; new primary, secondary […]

Nullinga Dam analysis released
02 August 2019
Building Queensland has released the Nullinga Dam and Mareeba Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme Improvements Detailed Business Case. Developed in partnership with Sunwater, the business case provides a robust assessment of the opportunities and challenges of increasing water available for agricultural activities in support of potential future demand in the Mareeba Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme. The […]

Liam Gordon appointed Executive Director of Strategy and Advisory
07 June 2019
Mr Liam Gordon has been appointed to the newly created position of Executive Director, Strategy and Advisory, Building Queensland. Mr Gordon has over 20 years’ experience in the Queensland public and infrastructure sectors. He has served as Executive General Manager, Projects at Queensland Rail as well as Deputy Under Treasurer, Economics at Queensland Treasury. Mr […]

Changes to Building Queensland’s operations
12 April 2019
Important operational amendments will be implemented enabling Building Queensland to drive greater efficiencies in developing robust business cases and advice to inform government decision-making. Following yesterday’s proclamation of the Economic Development and Other Legislation Bill 2018, detailed business cases for road transport projects valued under $500 million (which do not include a toll road) will […]

M1 Pacific Motorway detailed business cases
25 February 2019
Building Queensland has released summaries of the detailed business cases for the Varsity Lakes to Tugun and Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill stretches of the M1 Pacific Motorway. The M1 Pacific Motorway is the primary road transport route connecting New South Wales, Gold Coast and Logan cities with metropolitan Brisbane. Pressure on the M1 […]

Infrastructure Pipeline Report Released
18 January 2019
Building Queensland has today published its latest Infrastructure Pipeline Report detailing the work occurring across Queensland Government assessing major infrastructure projects.

Bruce Highway business case summaries released
29 November 2018
Building Queensland has released details of the business cases developed for two projects under the Cairns Bruce Highway Upgrade Master Plan—Stage 3 Edmonton to Gordonvale and Stage 4 Kate Street to Aumuller Street. The Bruce Highway is part of the National Land Transport Network, connecting Cairns to the vast majority of Queensland and servicing both […]

Building Queensland Board appointments announced
27 November 2018
The Queensland Government has announced two new appointments to the Building Queensland Board. Ms Lesley Morris and Ms Fiona Murdoch join returning members Mr Alan Millhouse (Chair), Dr Catherin Bull and Mr Kevin Hegarty. Ms Morris has extensive experience in organisational governance and the planning and delivery of major infrastructure, while Ms Murdoch has significant […]

2017–18 Annual Report released
02 October 2018
Building Queensland continues to perform a key role in helping government make informed infrastructure decisions.

June 2018 Infrastructure Pipeline Report released
23 July 2018
The state’s independent infrastructure advisor Building Queensland has identified seven new priority proposals in the June 2018 Infrastructure Pipeline Report, with a further nine progressed out of the pipeline having received funding commitments.