CASE STUDY: Land robotics
Case Studies
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Kalmar – AutoStrad Terminal Solution
Within the next 10-15 years many of the major stevedores will automate and the …
Wide area surveillance of the oceans requires a diversity of solutions …
Rio Tinto’s fleet of autonomous haul trucks have moved more than 1 billion tonnes of …
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Army seeks a significant combat advantage from the sensors, smarts, protective and lethal systems that land robotics can carry.
Praesdium Global are striving to become an international leader in military unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs). One of a range of robotic systems they are developing is a UGV “SCOUT”, a small 70 kilogram unit capable of carriage in armoured vehicles. Featuring ease of operation, rapid deployment and recovery, and equipped with an array of advanced sensors, it includes autonomous launch and recovery from its external mount ‘cocoon’. SCOUT offers an ability to project soldier presence forward, update situational awareness, and gain the initiative on the enemy.
The Mission Adaptable Platform System (MAPS) developed by Praesidium Global is a multi-role system trialled with Army.
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