CASE STUDY: BIA5 Innovation Robotics and customers
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BIA5 Pty Ltd is a start-up company that specialises in designing, manufacturing and supplying cutting edge robotics systems to enhance the capability of military, law enforcement and private security agencies.
BIA5’s advanced technological solutions offer operational solutions and reliably expand methods of response to a range of contemporary scenarios.
The robotic solutions provided by BIA5 have been designed in partnership with Deakin University’s, Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI). To date BIA5 has played a key role in bringing robotics into a tactical context within Australian policing. BIA5 provides a unique mix of operational experience and technical knowledge in the development and application of ground robotics as a command tool during high-risk situations. BIA5’s robotics systems have been used within Australia and shown impressive operational success through aiding in the execution of operational tasking without placing lives at risk. Being in a position to work alongside specialised police officers resulted in the OzBot Titan Force Entry robot. This robot showcases the balance of using reliable and proven technologies alongside force and power to gain a formidable tactical advantage. This innovative approach to the development of tactical robotics systems allows a point of difference from the traditional finesse offered by EOD robots.
BIA5’s management team continues to look for opportunities to partner with other Australian business and universities. These partnerships will focus on cutting-edge design, engineering, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of robotics as well as command and control information technology solutions. Their mission is to work with and alongside end users to convert technology ideas into industry and first responder capability; bridging the capability gap and increasing both operational effectiveness and personnel safety. BIA5 aims to deliver this in the Australian market to alleviate the gap regarding a locally designed, manufactured and supported robotics system.
Looking ahead, BIA5 is seeking opportunities and partnerships within the agricultural industry, where their knowledge of practical robotic design and engineering can be applied to improve efficiency. The current system designs have proven to be adaptable to suit various industries and tasks through their prowess off road and modifiable size.
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