Main findings from technology mapping
Robotics is evolving so rapidly that it is easier to identify short-comings in current robot operation rather than to accurately identify key technologies that will be required in the future, however this chapter shows the importance of interdisciplinarity in the future of robotics. Many of the technologies described benefit more fields than robotics alone and will be solved by people beyond the usual robotics realm of mechatronic engineers and computer scientists. It is only through collaboration with biologists, chemists, physicists, social scientists, and other engineers and scientists that the full potential of robots will be realised. The earlier chapters of this roadmap also highlighted the importance of legal professionals, ethicists, and policy makers to ensure that new technologies can be adopted. The driver for an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to the future of robotics is closely linked to the future we envision for Australia. A future where robots do the dull, dirty and dangerous tasks that are not best-suited to human beings and solve many of the world’s most pressing challenges such as war, famine, natural disasters, environmental damage, poverty, and inequality. A future where robots help humans unlock their potential and explore the furthest reaches of the universe. A future where robots ensure that Australia is a prosperous nation that embraces a robot economy and builds national health, well-being and sustainability despite the challenges of its vast and remote geography.