Building Queensland leads the development of Queensland Government detailed business cases with an estimated capital cost of over $100 million. This includes business cases being developed by Queensland Government departments, government-owned corporations and nominated statutory authorities.
Projects currently being led by Building Queensland include:

Bundaberg Hospital Redevelopment
Queensland Health and Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service
Building Queensland is leading the development of the Bundaberg Hospital Redevelopment Detailed Business Case in partnership with Queensland Health and Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service. The business case is investigating the construction of a new hospital that will provide fit-for-purpose infrastructure to address the future needs of the Bundaberg region.

Burdekin Falls Dam – Saddle Dam and Monolith Improvement Project
Building Queensland is leading the Burdekin Falls Dam - Saddle Dam and Monolith Improvement Project Detailed Business Case in partnership with Sunwater. The business case is investigating options for improvement works to ensure the dam continues to meet best practice standards, including protection from severe weather events.

Paradise Dam Improvement Project
Building Queensland is leading the development of the Paradise Dam Improvement Project Detailed Business Case in partnership with Sunwater. The business case is investigating an upgrade of Paradise Dam to ensure the dam continues to meet best practice standards, including protection from severe weather events.

Somerset Dam Improvement Project
Building Queensland is leading the development of the Somerset Dam Improvement Project Detailed Business Case in partnership with Seqwater. The business case is investigating an upgrade of the Somerset Dam to ensure the dam continues to meet best practice standards, including protection from severe weather events.

Toowoomba Hospital Redevelopment
Queensland Health and Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
Building Queensland is leading the development of the Toowoomba Hospital Redevelopment in partnership with Queensland Health and Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service.