Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project

Building Queensland completed the detailed business case for the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project in partnership with the joint proponents, SunWater and the Gladstone Area Water Board, in late 2017.

The detailed business case investigated the construction of a new weir at Rookwood capable of supplying 76,000 ML per annum of high priority water for customers. Other infrastructure components associated with the project include upgrades to and construction of roads and bridges and associated infrastructure.

The project presents an opportunity to supplement urban water supplies and also enhance agricultural and industrial development in the Fitzroy Basin and Gladstone region; once commitment of potential users is confirmed.

The detailed business case has been made publicly available at the request of the Queensland Government.

Commercial-in-confidence information has been removed to protect confidential information of project stakeholders, and the Queensland Government’s commercial position during future project stages.

View the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project Detailed Business Case.

A summary of the cost benefit analysis, as detailed in Chapter 13 – Economic analysis, is available here.

All Completed Business Cases

Bruce Highway – Maroochydore Road Interchange Upgrade

The main drivers for the Bruce Highway Maroochydore Interchange Project are congestion and safety.


Brisbane Live Entertainment Arena – Roma Street Project

The development of the Cross River Rail station at Roma Street has provided the opportunity to redevelop an underutilised section of the Brisbane central business district and the most connected transport precinct in Brisbane to create a world-class entertainment arena for Queensland.


Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Stage 1

The infrastructure at Caboolture Hospital is operating at capacity in a number of areas, and the hospital currently faces long emergency department waiting times and overcrowding.
