Logan Hospital Expansion

Logan Hospital is situated in a major growth and development corridor of South East Queensland.

The Logan Local Government Area population is expected to increase by 23.3 per cent between 2016 and 2026, or 2.1 per cent annually. As such, the scope and scale of Logan Hospital’s services and physical infrastructure are insufficient to meet existing and future demand. Without the delivery of additional capacity, Logan Hospital would experience an increasing shortfall of overnight and same day beds as well as a range of treatment spaces, resulting in extended Emergency Department and outpatient waiting times and delays in provision of care.

Building Queensland led the development of the Logan Hospital Expansion Detailed Business Case in partnership with Queensland Health. The business case assessed options including a combination of a new build and refurbishment of existing facilities.

Building Queensland completed the detailed business case in Q1 2019.

View a summary of the Logan Hospital Expansion Detailed Business Case, including cost benefit analysis.

All Completed Business Cases

Ebenezer Regional Industrial Area

The Ebenezer Regional Industrial Area is a proposed manufacturing hub located 15 kilometres south west of Ipswich City Centre around Ebenezer.


Brisbane Live Entertainment Arena – Roma Street Project

The development of the Cross River Rail station at Roma Street has provided the opportunity to redevelop an underutilised section of the Brisbane central business district and the most connected transport precinct in Brisbane to create a world-class entertainment arena for Queensland.


Bruce Highway – Cairns Southern Access Corridor Stage 4 (Kate Street to Aumuller Street)

The Bruce Highway from Kate Street to Aumuller Street is an urban arterial road that provides connectivity from Cairns to the rest of Queensland and services both intra and inter-regional movement.
