Proposal Stage of Development: Preliminary Business Case Underway
Building Queensland Role: Assisting with Preliminary Business Case
Estimated Cost of Delivery: $260 million*
Date of Publication: December 2017
Paradise Dam is located approximately 80 kilometres south west of Bundaberg on the Burnett River. It is a key component of the Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme—holding up to 300,000 megalitres of water for the city of Bundaberg and farmland irrigation.
During the 2013 floods, extensive scour occurred downstream of the primary spillway. SunWater immediately repaired the scour and downstream toe of the dam, and investigated options to prevent scour occurring in future extreme weather events.
This investigation identified necessary improvements to the primary spillway. Improvement works are being proposed to maintain efficient and safe operation of the primary spillway during extreme weather events.
The proposal is investigating options to improve the safety of Paradise Dam. Improvements to the primary spillway are proposed to prevent significant scour occurring downstream of the toe of the dam in major flood events. Proposed upgrade options being investigated will include addressing energy dissipation in the primary spillway and improvement of the primary spillway apron and dissipater.
Improvement works will ensure the dam continues to function as intended in line with best management practices for large dams, including guidelines from the Australian National Committee on Large Dams Incorporated (ANCOLD) and Queensland regulatory guidelines. Works are not expected to impact landholders adjacent to the dam, irrigation customers or recreational users wanting to access boat ramps, picnic areas and other dam amenities.
Complete Preliminary Business Case
* Nominal cost in Australian dollars 2015, estimate provided by responsible agency.