Responsible Agency: Department of Transport and Main Roads
Proposal Stage of Development: Preliminary Business Case Underway
Building Queensland Role: Assisting with Preliminary Business Case
Proposal Stage of Development: Preliminary Business Case Underway
Building Queensland Role: Assisting with Preliminary Business Case
Planned Stage End Date: Q4 2017
Estimated Cost of Delivery: To be determined*
Date of Publication: December 2017
Estimated Cost of Delivery: To be determined*
Date of Publication: December 2017
Traffic volumes on the 10-kilometre section of the M1 Motorway between Varsity Lakes and Tugun are exceeding capacity during the morning, afternoon, weekend and holiday periods causing high levels of congestion on a daily basis. Forecast increases in travel demand (including freight, tourism and airport related traffic) will further extend traffic delays, increasing travel times, decreasing reliability and risking road safety.
The proposal is investigating the following options:
- partial six-lane option on M1 Motorway
- six-lane option on M1 Motorway.
The project is expected to:
- improve capacity, travel times, reliability and safety
- optimise efficiency for freight, commercial and tourism transport
- allow for future provision and integration of a heavy rail extension south from Varsity Lakes Station.
Complete Preliminary Business Case
* An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.