Responsible Agency: SunWater and Gladstone Area Water Board
Proposal Stage of Development: Detailed Business Case Complete
Building Queensland Role: Led Detailed Business Case
Planned Stage End Date: Not Applicable
Estimated Cost of Delivery: $350 million*
Date of Publication: December 2017


The Fitzroy Basin is the largest coastal basin in Queensland, covering approximately 142,600 square kilometres and incorporating major towns and regional centres such as Rockhampton, Biloela and Emerald. The existing water supply infrastructure in the Fitzroy Basin and Gladstone region may not be able to provide sufficient water supply security to meet forecast increases in water demand due to industrial growth, urban growth and potential agricultural development. The Australian Government made a commitment in 2016 to provide $2 million from the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund to assist with the development of a business case and $130 million in capital funding for Rookwood Weir, subject to a number of conditions.


The proposal investigated a new bulk water source on the Fitzroy River that can be used to supplement water supplies for urban, industrial and agricultural purposes.

The components of the project include:

  • construction and operation of a new weir at Rookwood with a yield of 76,000 megalitres per annum, associated impoundment of the lower Mackenzie River and lower Dawson River
  • fish and turtle passage infrastructure at the weir
  • construction of new river crossings for areas affected by inundation
  • augmentation of existing roads for construction purposes
  • construction of new access roads to the weir site
  • other associated infrastructure works.

The proposed weir has the capacity to access the full volume of water able to be allocated under the current water plan—76,000 megalitres, of which 34,000 megalitres per annum has been set aside for urban and industrial water supplies.


Subject to confirming commitments from potential users, the project presents the opportunity to enhance agricultural and industrial development, create employment opportunities and improve the availability and reliability of water.


Further actions required.

* Nominal cost in Australian dollars, Building Queensland detailed business case 2017.