Responsible Agency: Gladstone Ports Corporation
Proposal Stage of Development: Detailed Business Case Underway
Building Queensland Role: Assisting with Detailed Business Case**
Planned Stage End Date: Q1 2018
Estimated Cost of Delivery: $65–$80 million*
Date of Publication: December 2017


The movement of larger vessels (draft over 14 metres) through the Clinton Channel at the Port of Gladstone is resulting in interaction of forces between the passing vessel and vessels berthed at the RG Tanna Coal Terminal. These forces impact on the safe mooring and operations at the terminal.


The options being investigated in the proposal include:

  • making better use of existing infrastructure, including controlling transit speed and utilising tugs to control vessels berthed at time of transit, and introducing a new mooring system
  • improving existing infrastructure, such as deepening the Clinton Bypass Channel and widening the Clinton Channel.


The project is expected to improve the efficiency of:

  • ship loading
  • the allocation of port infrastructure and resources
  • passage through the Clinton Channel.

It is also expected to create a safer environment as these activities will no longer be impacted by the passage of larger vessels.


Complete Detailed Business Case

* A range is provided by responsible agency as a number of options are still being considered.
** No active role during the June to December 2017 pipeline period.