Board of Management Charter
This Charter sets out the role, membership and operational arrangements for the Board of Building Queensland.
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Alan Millhouse
BCom LLB (Qld) LLM (Lond) Hon LLD (Qld) FAICD
Alan was a partner of national law firm Allens for three decades until he retired on 30 June 2009, where he practised in the commercial, infrastructure and finance areas and was a member of the Allens board. He was also head of the firm’s infrastructure practice. During the past two decades, he has been a key legal advisor to the State of Queensland and has advised other Australian and Asian governments on a range of issues.

Dr Catherin Bull
Board Member
MLArch (Melbourne), DrDes (Harvard), AM FAILA MAICD
Catherin is Emeritus Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Melbourne and an Adjunct Professor at QUT. She has led national and international consultancies in landscape architecture and urban design, been a Commissioner in the Land and Environment Court of NSW and was, for over two decades, an academic teacher, researcher and advisor to government and industry on development and design, most recently as the Elisabeth Murdoch Professor of Landscape Architecture (-2010).

Kevin Hegarty
Board Member
Kevin Hegarty had a twenty-two year career within Queensland Health, seventeen years of which he was a Health Service Chief Executive. This included an unparalleled period of thirteen and a half years as Chief Executive of the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (and its organisational predecessors).

Lesley Morris
Board Member
Lesley is an experienced Board Director and has 30 years professional experience in the engineering and infrastructure sectors. She has extensive national and international experience in enterprise wide strategy, business planning and executive leadership. Her technical expertise is in urban and regional planning, strategic land use and infrastructure development, legislative frameworks, and impact assessment.

Fiona Murdoch
Board Member
Fiona has over 28 years’ experience as a non-executive director and senior executive in the resources and infrastructure sectors across multi-national, listed, private and statutory authority environments.
Fiona has been involved in the business case analysis, governance and oversight of major infrastructure projects across broad asset classes, including rail, roads, ports, energy and water.

Frankie Carroll
Board Member
Frankie Carroll was appointed Under Treasurer in February 2019. Frankie has more than 30 years’ experience in both the public and private sector.
Prior to joining Queensland Treasury, he was the Director-General of the Department of Infrastructure Local Government and Planning between 2015 and 2018.

Rachel Hunter
Board Member
Rachel is a highly regarded and accomplished Director-General and CEO, having worked across various portfolios.
Rachel is currently Acting Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet whilst Dave Stewart is on sabbatical leave until August 2019. Rachel’s substantive role is that of Director-General, Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning.
Rachel is a former Director-General of two Queensland Government departments – the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, and the Department of Education, Training and the Arts. She also served as Queensland’s Public Service Commissioner from 2000 to 2003.