Brisbane Live Entertainment Arena – Roma Street Project

The development of the Cross River Rail station at Roma Street has provided the opportunity to redevelop an underutilised section of the Brisbane central business district and the most connected transport precinct in Brisbane to create a world-class entertainment arena for Queensland.

Capitalising on the existing range of sporting, music and arts events occurring in Brisbane, the Brisbane Live Arena, with state-of-the-art facilities and technology, would provide Brisbane and Queensland with a world class facility for premium live events that is highly accessible and well connected to all transport networks.

Building Queensland led the development of the detailed business case for the Brisbane Live Entertainment Arena – Roma Street Project in partnership with the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority. The detailed business case investigated the development of a new arena of 17,000-18,000 seats located on a large deck structure built over railways, roads and property, bounded by Albert Street to the north and Roma Street to the south. The proposal also includes ancillary facilities to support the arena’s operation as well as new public spaces and active transport connections with neighbouring central business district locations.

The detailed business case was completed in Q4 2018 and presented to the Queensland Government for consideration.

All Completed Business Cases

Nullinga Dam and Other Options Preliminary Business Case

The proposed Nullinga Dam site is located on the Walsh River in the Atherton Tablelands and has been proposed as a future water supply to serve growing urban demand in Cairns and to stimulate irrigated agriculture in the region, by supplementing existing supplies.


Logan Hospital Expansion

Logan Hospital is situated in a major growth and development corridor of South East Queensland.


Bruce Highway – Caboolture/Bribie Island Road Interchange to Steve Irwin Way Interchange Upgrade

The Bruce Highway is a vital link for general traffic, freight and tourism joining Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay and central and northern Queensland.
