Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre

The Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre, located in Wacol, is a high security remand facility for male prisoners in Southern Queensland. It currently provides 890 high security cells for remand prisoners.

Building Queensland led a detailed business case for the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre Expansion Project in partnership with Queensland Corrective Services. The business case assessed the construction of 628 additional cells to meet growth in remand prisoner numbers across Queensland’s corrective services system.

The business case was completed in late 2017.

All Completed Business Cases

Townsville Eastern Access Rail Corridor

Building Queensland completed the detailed business case for the Townsville Eastern Access Rail Corridor (TEARC) in late 2017.


Cairns Convention Centre

Building Queensland led the development of the detailed business case for the Cairns Convention Centre in partnership with the Department of Housing and Public Works.


Smithfield Transport Corridor Upgrade

The Smithfield Transport Corridor Upgrade is a proposed new 3.8-kilometre road bypass to the east of the Captain Cook Highway between Yorkeys Knob Road roundabout and McGregor Road roundabout north of Cairns.
