Building Queensland is the Queensland Government’s infrastructure advisory body. We provide independent expert advice to support the Queensland Government in making infrastructure decisions.

Building Queensland performs a key role in developing business cases for major infrastructure projects, and helping government determine infrastructure priorities.

We lead the development of detailed business cases for projects with an estimated capital cost of delivery of $100 million or more and assist with those between $50-$100 million. This threshold is higher for road transport projects that do not incorporate a toll road, with Building Queensland leading detailed business cases for projects over $500 million. Where a toll road is included, Building Queensland’s $100 million threshold applies. Working across all asset classes, we also provide advice in the early stages of proposal development.

All infrastructure proposals led by Building Queensland are developed under our Business Case Development Framework. The framework ensures a consistent and rigorous approach to proposal development. Working collaboratively with agencies, we are committed to enhancing expertise across government in the development of rigorous business cases and raising awareness of issues relevant to the infrastructure sector.

To assist the Queensland Government in determining the projects that will best address the state’s infrastructure priorities, we also develop the Infrastructure Pipeline Report. The Infrastructure Pipeline Report provides transparency of key government proposals under development.

Building Queensland was established as a statutory body on 3 December 2015 under the Building Queensland Act 2015. Amendments to the Act were assented to as part of the Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019 on 11 April 2019.

View a snapshot of our functions.